College Bar
Opening Hours
The Bar Manager is G (on the right): he’s been here since 2003 and if/when you meet him we assure you his laugh will ring in your ears and his Tash stay in your visual memory for days…..and days….. He occasionally runs marathons for charity and his real name is Gareth.
The Assistant Bar Manager is Monkey (on the left): please don’t ask us his real name. It was a condition of him accepting the job that only the person who writes his pay cheque would ever know what that is: hey, even the Principal of the College has been heard calling him “Monkey”.
The College Bar is located in the Students’ Common Room on the ground floor. It is a hub of activity during the day, being the main social and relaxing space for students and also next to the college canteen. It houses the SU Shop, some games, the pool table, cash dispenser, WiFi access and large projector SKY TV. It also has fantastic views of Bute Park. However, it is in the evening that it takes on its real sense of belonging.
The Bar itself is operated by Madsu Ltd and therefore owned by students. It opens daily at 5:00 pm (and half an hour earlier than that on Friday) and every day starts with the Traditional Happy Hour offer (which actually lasts for 2 hours, and all night on a Monday because we are responsible bar operators and don’t want you binge drinking).
The Students’ Union social calendar is based in the bar. It has everything you would expect: Live music and quiz nights weekly, monologue nights, themed party events very regularly, Karaoke, Royal Welsh Has Got Talent (with staff judges akin to Simon Cowell), Stock Exchange evenings and the legendary Bavarian Nights.
We also host club and society events, International Tea Parties and, more than anything else anytime you want to join us, a place for the whole college community to chill and relax. And finally, of course it hosts a load of events hosted and arranged by students themselves …. its your space after all.